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Can I Use the iWALK3.0?


If you’re like most people, the answer is YES! iWALK3.0 is simple – it recruits the upper leg for stability and balance, so iWALKing is easy and intuitive. In short, if you can walk, then you can iWALK.


Before your injury, could you walk unassisted? Could you go up and down stairs without requiring the handrail for balance or support? If yes, then you are totally capable of using the iWALK3.0.



You CAN use iWALK3.0 if: 




  • You commit to following our instructions for Fitting and Use BEFORE your first use

  • You’re willing to spend at least 5-20 minutes to let your body learn and adapt to using the iWALK3.0




  • You have average strength and balance

  • Pre-injury, you could walk normally without a limp, shuffle, etc.

  • Pre-injury, you could go up or down stairs without requiring a handrail for balance or support.




  • You are between 147cm and 198cm see chart for specific leg length limits.

  • You weigh 125kg or less.

  • Maximum thigh circumference (at top of leg) is 28” (71cm) or less.




  • Your injury is to one leg only.

  • Your injury is below the knee.

  • You can bend your injured leg 90 degrees at the knee (casts and boots are OK)

  • You have full functionality in your uninjured leg.



Additional benefits of the iWalk 3.0


Everyday activities are impossible on traditional crutches or knee scooters. With iWALK3.0 you can immediately get back to your routine.   So whether you’re pushing a shopping cart, going up or down stairs, carrying a cup of coffee, walking the dog, the iWALK3.0 gives you your life back on crutches that don’t hurt.







The iWalk3.0 has an adjustable handle at knee level that not only helps when you are first learning to walk with the iWALK, but also adds stability in special situations like using stairs or on slippery surfaces.


Traditional standard crutches are a nightmare in bad weather. Rain, snow, and ice are nearly impossible to navigate, and wet floors become treacherous. Not so with the iWalk3.0. Our patented Foot has a Vibram™ pad that is superior to conventional crutch tips. The Foot is also offset to the outside, making it more stable.



You CANNOT use iWALK3.0 if:




  • You plan on trying the iWALK3.0 on your own, without following our FITTING and USE instructions first. HINT – we’ve made it easy for you – so follow our instructions and don’t go it alone.




  • You’re challenged by normal activities like walking, climbing stairs, etc.

  • You cannot walk without an assistive device

  • You lose your balance

  • You must use the handrail to go up or down stairs

  • You don’t have full use of your uninjured leg




  • You weigh over 275 pounds (125 kg) or are significantly overweight.

  • Your upper thigh circumference (at the top of your leg) is more than 28” (71cm).




  • You cannot bend your injured leg 90 degrees at the knee.





© 2024 by iWALK Free Australia 

Phone - (02) 4620 4511



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